A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 
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A - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
accept(T) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.InputHandler
accept(T, U) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.InputHandler2
accept(T, U, V) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.InputHandler3
Action<A extends Actor> - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions
Action that is performed by an actor of type A in a particular scene.
ActionParallel<A extends Actor> - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions
Allows to configure actions that will be executed concurrently.
ActionParallel(Action<A>...) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionParallel
ActionSequence<A extends Actor> - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions
Allows to configure actions that will be executed sequentially, one after another.
ActionSequence(Action<A>...) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionSequence
Actor - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Actor represents any figure in a game.
ACTOR_ADDED_TOPIC - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
Topic for actors added to the scene.
ACTOR_REMOVED_TOPIC - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
Topic for actors removed from the scene.
ActorContainer<A extends Actor> - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
ActorContainer represents an iterable collection of actors that can be rendered at the bottom if the game window using Game.pushActorContainer(sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorContainer<?>) method.
ActorContainerPanel - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
ActorContainerPanel(Overlay, int) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.ActorContainerPanel
ActorFactory - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
ActorFactors is responsible for creating new actors for a scene.
ActorMapObject - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
A map object describing an actor.
ActorMapObject(BaseMapObject, String) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.ActorMapObject
ACTORS_LAYER_NAME - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
add(A) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorContainer
Adds actor to the top of the container.
ADD - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
addActor(Actor) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Adds actor to the scene.
addActor(Actor) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
addActor(Actor, int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Adds actor to the scene at [posX, posY] coordinates.
addedToScene(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
Called when the actor is added to scene.
addListener(SceneListener) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Adds listener that can respond to scene's lifecycle events.
addListener(SceneListener) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
addScene(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Adds a anew scene to the game.
addScene(Scene) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
alpha(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
Animation - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
Animated or static graphical representation of game objects (actors).
Animation(String) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Animation(String, int, int) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Animation(String, int, int, float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Animation(String, int, int, float, Animation.PlayMode) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Animation(String, int, int, float, Animation.PlayMode, Color) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Animation(String, int, int, float, Animation.PlayMode, Color, float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Animation(String, int, int, float, Animation.PlayMode, Color, float, float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Animation.PlayMode - Enum in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
Play mode defines a method for selecting next animation frame.
assets - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication


B - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
BACK - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Button
BACK - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
Backend - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
BACKGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.ActorContainerPanel
BACKSPACE - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
BaseMapObject - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
Base implementation of MapObject.
BaseMapObject(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapObject
BaseMapTile - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
BaseMapTile(int, int, int, int, MapTile.Type) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapTile
BatchOverlay - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
Overlay implementation using Batch from libGDX.
BatchOverlay(Batch) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
BatchOverlay(Batch, Camera) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
begin() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
BLACK - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
blue(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
BLUE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
BOLD - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font.Style
BOLD_ITALIC - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font.Style
BORDER_COLOR - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.ActorContainerPanel
BROWN - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color


C - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
cancelActions(Actor) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Cancels all actions associated with given actor.
cancelActions(Actor) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
CENTER - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout.Align
centerOn(int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Centers the scene's camera on the [x, y] point.
centerOn(int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
CHARTREUSE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
CLEAR - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile.Type
CLEAR - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
clearScreen() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Clears the game's screen.
clearScreen() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
clearScreen(Color) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Clears the game's screen with specified color.
clearScreen(Color) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
COLLISION_PADDING - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
Color - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
Color(float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
Color(float, float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
Color(float, float, float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
Color(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
Color(int) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
configurePositionSetter(BiConsumer<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
connect(Input) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
copy() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
copy(Float, Float, Float, Float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
CORAL - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
create(Runnable) - Static method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Disposable
create(String, Class<? extends M>) - Static method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages.Topic
create(String, String) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorFactory
Factory method for creating an actor based on given type and name, of which both are optional, but at least one should be given.
CYAN - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color


D - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
DARK_GRAY - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
DELETE - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
disconnect(Input) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
Disposable - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Object that can be disposed when it is no longer needed.
dispose() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Disposable
Disposes the object by performing required cleanup operations.
dispose() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.OverlayDrawing
dispose() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Disposes the scene resources.
dispose() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
DIVIDE - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
DOWN - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
draw(Batch, float, float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
draw(Batch, float, float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout
draw(Batch, float, float, float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Draws the animation to the given batch at [posX, posY] coordinates.
draw(Batch, float, float, float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout
draw(ActorContainer<?>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.ActorContainerPanel
draw(Batch, float, float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Drawable
draw(Batch, float, float, float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Drawable
Drawable<Batch> - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
Object that can be drawn to the screen.
drawAnimation(Animation, int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawAnimation(Animation, int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws animation at [x, y].
drawAnimation(Animation, int, int, float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawAnimation(Animation, int, int, float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws animation at [x, y], scaled at scale.
drawAnimation(Animation, int, int, float, float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawAnimation(Animation, int, int, float, float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws animation at [x, y], scaled at scale and rotated at rotation degrees.
drawLine(int, int, int, int, Color) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawLine(int, int, int, int, Color) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws line from point [x1, y1] to point [x2, y2] with color.
drawRectangle(int, int, int, int, Color) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawRectangle(int, int, int, int, Color) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws rectangle with bottom left corner at [x, y] of specified width and height.
drawRectangle(int, int, int, int, Color, float, Color) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawRectangle(int, int, int, int, Color, float, Color) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws rectangle with bottom left corner at [x, y] of specified width and height.
drawText(String, int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawText(String, int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws a text string at [x, y] with default font.
drawText(String, int, int, Font) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawText(String, int, int, Font) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws a text string at [x, y] with font.
drawText(String, int, int, Font, float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawText(String, int, int, Font, float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws a text string at [x, y] with font, rotated at rotation degrees.
drawTextLayout(TextLayout, int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawTextLayout(TextLayout, int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws a pre-rendered text layout at [x, y].
drawTextLayout(TextLayout, int, int, float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
drawTextLayout(TextLayout, int, int, float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Draws a pre-rendered text layout at [x, y] rotated at rotation degrees.
during(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction


E - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
EmptyMap - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
A Null Object implementation of SceneMap.
EmptyMap(Scene) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
end() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
END - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
ENTER - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
equals(Object) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
equals(Object) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Point
ESCAPE - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
execute(float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Action
Executes (one step of) the action.
execute(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionParallel
execute(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionSequence
execute(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Invoke
execute(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
execute(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.When
execute(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.While


F - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F1 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F10 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F11 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F12 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F2 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F3 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F4 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F5 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F6 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F7 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F8 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
F9 - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
FIREBRICK - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
follow(Actor) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Starts to following actor with the camera.
follow(Actor) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
Font - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
Font for drawing text.
Font() - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
Font(int) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
Font(int, Color) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
Font(int, Color, Font.Style) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
Font(int, Color, Font.Style, float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
Font(int, Color, Font.Style, float, Color) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
Font.Style - Enum in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
FOREST - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
FORWARD - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Button


G - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
Game - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Represents game application with multiple scenes.
GameApplication - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
GameApplication(Backend) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
GameApplication(WindowSetup, Backend) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
getActions() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getActions() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getActor() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Action
getActor() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionParallel
getActor() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionSequence
getActor() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Invoke
getActor() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Wait
getActor() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.When
getActor() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.While
getActorFactory() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getActorFactory() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getActorObjects() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
getActorObjects() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
getActorObjects() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
getActors() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getActors() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getAlign() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout
getAlpha() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Alpha transparency applied to the animation.
getAlpha() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
getAnimation() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
getBitmap() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
getBlue() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
getBorderColor() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
getBorderWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
getCamera() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getCamera() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getCapacity() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorContainer
getCapHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
getCenterPosition() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapObject
getColor() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
getContent() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorContainer
Container's content.
getCurrentFrameIndex() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Index of currently shown animation frame.
getCurrentScene() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
getCurrentScene() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
getCursorPosition() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Gets the current mouse cursor position, relative to the scene's bottom left corner.
getDrawAction() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.OverlayDrawing.Element
getDuration() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
getElements() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.OverlayDrawing
getFirstActorByName(String) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getFirstActorByType(Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getFont() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout
getFrameCount() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Count of animation frames.
getFrameDuration() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Duration of a single animation frame.
getFramesPerSecond() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
getFramesPerSecond() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
getGame() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getGame() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getGreen() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
getGridHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
getGridHeight() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
getGridHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
getGridPosX() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapTile
getGridPosX() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile
Tile x position in the map tile grid
getGridPosX() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.OutsideMapTile
getGridPosY() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapTile
getGridPosY() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile
Tile y position in the map tile grid
getGridPosY() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.OutsideMapTile
getGridWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
getGridWidth() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
getGridWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
getHeight() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
getHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Height of the animation object (sprite height).
getHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout
getHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.ActorMapObject
getHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapObject
getHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapTile
getHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapMarker
getHeight() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapObject
getHeight() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile
Height of the tile
getHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.OutsideMapTile
getHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
getInitPosX() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
getInitPosY() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
getInput() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Gets game's global input processor that is active in all scenes.
getInput() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
getInput() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Gets input processor with listeners specific for the scene.
getInput() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getLastActorByName(String) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getLastActorByType(Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getLineHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
getListeners() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getListeners() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getMap() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getMap() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getMapResource() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
getMarkers() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
getMarkers() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
getMarkers() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
getMessageBus() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getMessageBus() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getMessageType() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages.Topic
getName() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
getName() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorContainer
getName() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.ActorMapObject
getName() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapObject
getName() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapMarker
getName() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapObject
getName() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages.Topic
getName() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getName() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getOverlay() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
getOverlay() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
getOverlay() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
getOverlay() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
getOverlay() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
getOverlay() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
getOverlay() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
getPlayMode() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Playing mode of the animation, one of Animation.PlayMode enum values.
getPosition() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
getPosX() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
getPosX() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.ActorMapObject
getPosX() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapObject
getPosX() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapMarker
getPosX() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapObject
getPosY() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
getPosY() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.ActorMapObject
getPosY() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapObject
getPosY() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapMarker
getPosY() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapObject
getRed() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
getResource() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
getRotation() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Rotation of the animation in degrees.
getScale() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Scale of the animation, relative to the sprite image size.
getScene() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
getScene() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
getSceneByName(String) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Gets a scene with given name.
getSceneByName(String) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
getSize() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorContainer
getSize() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
getStyle() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font
getText() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout
getTile(int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
getTile(int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
Gets a tile at specified grid position.
getTile(int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
getTileHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
getTileHeight() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
getTileHeight() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
getTileWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
getTileWidth() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
getTileWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
getTime() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
getTint() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
A colored tint applied over animation to change its appearance.
getTitle() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
getType() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.ActorMapObject
getType() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapTile
getType() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile
Type of the tile
getType() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.OutsideMapTile
getValue() - Method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Button
getWidth() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
getWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Width of the animation object (sprite width).
getWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout
getWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.ActorMapObject
getWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapObject
getWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapTile
getWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapMarker
getWidth() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapObject
getWidth() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile
Width of the tile
getWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.OutsideMapTile
getWidth() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
getWindowSetup() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
getWindowSetup() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
getX() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Point
getY() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Point
GOLD - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
GOLDENROD - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
GRAY - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
green(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
GREEN - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color


H - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
hashCode() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
hashCode() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Point
HEIGHT - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.ActorContainerPanel
hide() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Hides the scene.
hide() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
HOME - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key


I - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
init(Game) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Performs scene initialization
init(Game) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
Input - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Allows querying input devices like keyboard and mouse, and to set listeners on them.
Input(Supplier<Scene>) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Input(Scene) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Input.Button - Enum in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Enum defining recognized mouse buttons.
Input.InputHandler<T> - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Input.InputHandler2<T,​U> - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Input.InputHandler3<T,​U,​V> - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Input.Key - Enum in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Enum defining recognized keyboard keys.
InputDispatcher - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Input dispatcher that bridges LibGDX input processor with Gamelib Input.
InputDispatcher(Input) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
INSERT - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
intersects(Actor) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
intersects(Actor) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.ActorMapObject
intersects(Actor) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapObject
intersects(Actor) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapMarker
intersects(Actor) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapObject
intersectsWithWall(Actor) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
intersectsWithWall(Actor) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
intersectsWithWall(Actor) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
Invoke<A extends Actor> - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions
Invokes method or lambda code block as an action.
Invoke(Runnable) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Invoke
Invoke(Consumer<A>) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Invoke
isBegan() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
isButtonPressed(Input.Button) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Checks whether mouse's button is pressed.
isCursorCatched() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
isDisposed() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.OverlayDrawing
isDone() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Action
isDone() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionParallel
isDone() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionSequence
isDone() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Invoke
isDone() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
isDone() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.When
isDone() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.While
isInitialized() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Gets initialization state of the scene.
isInitialized() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
isKeyDown(Input.Key...) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Checks whether the key (or multiple keys) is currently down.
isKeyPressed(Input.Key...) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Checks whether the key (or multiple keys) was just pressed.
isWall() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapTile
isWall() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile
isWall() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.OutsideMapTile
ITALIC - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font.Style
ITEM_SIZE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.ActorContainerPanel
iterator() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World


J - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key


K - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
KeyboardListener - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Keyboard listener for processing keyboard events.
keyDown(int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
keyPressed(Input.Key) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.KeyboardListener
Notified when a key is pressed.
keyReleased(Input.Key) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.KeyboardListener
Notified when a key is released.
keyTyped(char) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
keyTyped(char) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.KeyboardListener
Notified when a character is typed.
keyUp(int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher


L - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
LEFT - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout.Align
LEFT - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Button
LEFT - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
LIME - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
LOOP - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation.PlayMode
Loop animation continuously from the first frame to the last.
LOOP_PINGPONG - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation.PlayMode
Loop animation continuously from the first frame to the last and then to the first again.
LOOP_REVERSED - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation.PlayMode
Loop animation continuously from the last frame to the first.


M - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
MAGENTA - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
MapMarker - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
Marks area within a map.
MapMarker(BaseMapObject, Shape) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapMarker
MapObject - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
Object from a map, with name, position (MapObject.getPosX(), MapObject.getPosY()), and dimensions (MapObject.getWidth(), MapObject.getHeight()).
MapTile - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
Map tile representing a place in the map grid.
MapTile.Type - Enum in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
Types for map tiles.
MARKERS_LAYER_NAME - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
MAROON - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
MessageBus - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages
A bus for posting messages to subscribers.
MessageBus() - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages.MessageBus
MIDDLE - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Button
MINUS - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
mouseDragged(int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.MouseListener
Notified when mouse cursor is dragged.
MouseListener - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
mouseMoved(int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
mouseMoved(int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.MouseListener
Notified when mouse cursor is moved.
mousePressed(int, int, Input.Button) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.MouseListener
Notified when mouse button is pressed.
mouseReleased(int, int, Input.Button) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.MouseListener
Notified when mouse button is released.
MULTIPLY - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key


N - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
NAVY - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
NORMAL - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font.Style


O - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
OLIVE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
ONCE - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation.PlayMode
Play animation once from the first to the last frame and then continue to show the last frame.
ONCE_REVERSED - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation.PlayMode
Play animation once from the last frame to the first and continue to show the first frame.
onKeyPressed(Input.Key, Runnable) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Register listener to be called when a specific key is pressed.
onKeyPressed(Input.InputHandler<Input.Key>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Registers listener to be called when any key is pressed.
onKeyReleased(Input.Key, Runnable) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Register listener to be called when a specific key is released.
onKeyReleased(Input.InputHandler<Input.Key>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Registers listener to be called when any key is released.
onKeyTyped(Input.InputHandler<Character>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Registers listener to be called when a char is typed.
onMouseDragged(Input.InputHandler2<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Registers listener to be called when mouse cursor is dragged.
onMouseMoved(Input.InputHandler2<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Registers listener to be called when mouse cursor is moved.
onMousePressed(Input.InputHandler3<Integer, Integer, Input.Button>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Registers listener to be called when mouse button is pressed.
onMouseReleased(Input.InputHandler3<Integer, Integer, Input.Button>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Registers listener to be called when mouse button is release.
ORANGE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
OutsideMapTile - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
OutsideMapTile(int, int) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.OutsideMapTile
Overlay - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
Layer for rendering graphical objects, like texts, animations, lines and rectangles.
OverlayDrawing<E extends OverlayDrawing.Element<?>> - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
An element drawn in an overlay.
OverlayDrawing(List<E>) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.OverlayDrawing
OverlayDrawing.Element<T> - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics


P - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
pause() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Pauses the animation, causing it to keep rendering the current frame.
PAUSE - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
peek() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorContainer
peekActorContainer() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Gets the last container pushed to actor containers stack.
peekActorContainer() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
PINK - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
play() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Starts to play or continues to play the animation according to the play mode.
plus(Point) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Point
Returns a new point as a result of summing point coordinates to the current ones.
Point - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
An immutable point in 2D space, with x and y coordinates.
Point(int, int) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Point
popActorContainer() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Pops the last container from actor containers stack.
popActorContainer() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
publish(Topic<M>, M) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages.MessageBus
Publishes message into topic.
PURPLE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
pushActorContainer(ActorContainer<?>) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Pushes a new container to the stack of actor containers.
pushActorContainer(ActorContainer<?>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication


Q - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key


R - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
red(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
RED - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
registerListener(KeyboardListener) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Registers keyboard listener to be notified on keyboard events.
registerListener(MouseListener) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input
Registers mouse listener to be notified on mouse events.
remove(A) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorContainer
Removes actor from te container.
removeActor(Actor) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Removes actor from the scene.
removeActor(Actor) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
removedFromScene(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
Called when the actor is removed from scene.
render(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.BatchOverlay
render(float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Overlay
Renders the overlay layer.
render(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
render(float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.SceneMap
Renders the map.
render(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
render(float) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Renders the scene.
render(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
reset() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Action
Resets the state of the action, except the assigned actor.
reset() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionParallel
reset() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionSequence
reset() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Invoke
reset() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
reset() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.When
reset() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.While
resetToFirstFrame() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Resets the animation to its first frame.
resize(int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Resizes the scene to new dimensions.
resize(int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
RIGHT - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout.Align
RIGHT - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Button
RIGHT - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
ROYAL - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color


S - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
SALMON - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
SCARLET - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
Scene - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
Scene with a map for the actors to act on.
sceneCreated(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.SceneListener
Called just after the base scene resources are set up
sceneHidden(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.SceneListener
Called each time a scene is hidden
sceneInitialized(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.SceneListener
Called when the scene is initialized.
SceneListener - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
A listener for scene-related lifecycle events.
SceneMap - Interface in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
Map defining scene environment.
sceneRendered(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.SceneListener
Called in the rendering cycle, just after the scene gets rendered.
sceneShown(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.SceneListener
Called each time a scene becomes active.
sceneUpdating(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.SceneListener
Called in the rendering cycle, just before the scene gets rendered.
scheduleAction(Action<?>) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Schedules action to be executed on the scene (with no specific actor).
scheduleAction(Action<?>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
scheduleAction(Action<A>, A) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Schedules action to be executed on actor.
scheduleAction(Action<A>, A) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
scheduleFor(A) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Action
A helper method that provides "fluent API" for registering the action on actor's scene.
scheduleOn(Scene) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Action
A helper method that provides "fluent API" for registering the action on the scene.
scrolled(int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
setActor(A) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Action
Sets actor for the action
setActor(A) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionParallel
setActor(A) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.ActionSequence
setActor(A) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Invoke
setActor(A) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Wait
setActor(A) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.When
setActor(A) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.While
setActorRenderOrder(List<Class<?>>) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Defines order of actor types used to sort actors prior to rendering.
setActorRenderOrder(List<Class<?>>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
setAlpha(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
setCurrentSceneByName(String) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Switches the currently shown scene to another already registered scene with the given name.
setCurrentSceneByName(String) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
setFrameDuration(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
setPlayMode(Animation.PlayMode) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
setPosition(int, int) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Actor
Sets actor position by specifying posX and posY coordinates.
setPosition(int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
setRotation(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
setScale(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
setTint(Color) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
setType(MapTile.Type) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.BaseMapTile
setType(MapTile.Type) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile
Is true if the type of the tile is wall
setType(MapTile.Type) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.OutsideMapTile
setup(ApplicationListener, WindowSetup) - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Backend
shift() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.ActorContainer
Moves the actor from the top of the container to the bottom.
show() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Shows the scene.
show() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
showFor(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.OverlayDrawing
Defines how long the drawing should be shown (in seconds).
sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib - package sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions - package sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions
sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics - package sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map - package sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages - package sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages
SKY - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
SLATE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
SPACE - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
start() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Starts the game.
start() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
STATUS_LINE_OFFSET - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
stop() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Game
Stops the game.
stop() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.GameApplication
stop() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
Stops playing animation and shows its first frame.
stopFollowing() - Method in interface sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Scene
Stops the camera from following actors.
stopFollowing() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
subscribe(Topic<M>, Consumer<M>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages.MessageBus
Subscribes listener to messages in the topic.
subscribeOnce(Topic<M>, Consumer<M>) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages.MessageBus
Subscribes listener to a single message in the topic.


T - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
TAB - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
TAN - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
TEAL - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
TemporalAction<A extends Actor> - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions
A base class for actions with duration.
TemporalAction(float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
TEXT_COLOR - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.ActorContainerPanel
TextLayout - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
Layout for text.
TextLayout(String, Font) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout
TextLayout(String, Font, int, TextLayout.Align) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout
TextLayout.Align - Enum in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics
TILE_SIZE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.EmptyMap
TiledSceneMap - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map
Map created with the Tiled map editor (https://https://www.mapeditor.org).
TiledSceneMap(String, Scene) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
Topic<M> - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages
Topic(String, Class<? extends M>) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.messages.Topic
toString() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation
toString() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
toString() - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Point
touchDown(int, int, int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
touchDragged(int, int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
touchUp(int, int, int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.InputDispatcher
translate(int, int) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Point
Returns a new point translated by x and y.


U - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
UP - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
update(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.TemporalAction
update(float) - Method in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Wait


V - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation.PlayMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font.Style
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout.Align
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Button
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Animation.PlayMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Font.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.TextLayout.Align
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Button
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VIOLET - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color


W - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
Wait<A extends Actor> - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions
Wait for specified number of seconds.
Wait(float) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.Wait
WALL - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.MapTile.Type
WALLS_LAYER_NAME - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.map.TiledSceneMap
When<A extends Actor> - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions
Executes the given action one time, once the predicate becomes true.
When(Predicate<? super When<A>>, Action<A>) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.When
When(Supplier<Boolean>, Action<A>) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.When
While<A extends Actor> - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions
Executes action repeatedly while the predicate is true.
While(Predicate<? super While<A>>, Action<A>) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.While
While(Supplier<Boolean>, Action<A>) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.actions.While
WHITE - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color
WindowSetup - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
WindowSetup() - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
WindowSetup(String) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
WindowSetup(String, int, int) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
WindowSetup(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.WindowSetup
World - Class in sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib
World() - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
World(String) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
World(String, String) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
World(String, String, ActorFactory) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World
World(String, ActorFactory) - Constructor for class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.World


YELLOW - Static variable in class sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.graphics.Color


Z - sk.tuke.kpi.gamelib.Input.Key
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 
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